projectname-prefix.pch missing in xcode 6.
we can create .h file , use #define create constants , include file prefix file of our project before xcode 6.
sample constant.h file
#define ok @"ok"
go view controller include file in header #import "constants.h" or define in pch file ,so view controllers can access file
in viewdidload
my question is
where include constant.h file can access file view controllers did using .pch file?
edit: my question replacement of .pch file ? if apple remove xcode must alternate achieve goal without adding .pch , include in every single file used
you answered question yourself. here
we can create .h file , use #define create constants , include file prefix file of our project before xcode 6.
you include common.h file inside pch
file. , dont have #import
anything, pch file available in classes, , import inside pch file available in classes. hence pch files termed pre-compiled header files.
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