web services - Jersey 1.18 in weblogic 12.2 -

i have web service in weblogic 12.1 server (where works) have transfer in new weblogic 12.2 server. in web-inf/lib jars have jersey 1.18 files. when deploy it, seems jersey 1.18 gets overridden jersey 2.21 , calling web service "404 not found error". application.wadl has <ns0:doc ns1:generatedby="jersey: 2.21.1 2015-09-16..."/> guess that's problem is.

i tried putting weblogic.xml file in web-inf with:

<container-descriptor>         <prefer-web-inf-classes>true</prefer-web-inf-classes> </container-descriptor> 

but nothing changed. how can force using jersey 1.18 ?

weblogic 12.2.x not support jersey 1.x server api more. better use jersey 2.x api. 404 issue, think can use link change app .

