i want paste enhanced metafile clipboard picture box in vb.net. actually, did that, don't know if doing in right way.
i have object clipboard:
dim obj dataobject = clipboard.getdataobject() dim typ string() typ = objdata.getformats() ' returns "enhancedmetafile" , "metafilepict"
and want paste picture box.
the following code doesn't work:
dim objdata dataobject = clipboard.getdataobject() ' if false if objdata.getdatapresent(gettype(system.drawing.bitmap)) dim bmp system.drawing.bitmap = ctype(objdata.getdata(gettype(system.drawing.bitmap)), system.drawing.bitmap) picturebox1.image = bmp end if
then tried (that worked, from here)):
imports system.drawing.imaging imports system.runtime.interopservices public class clipboardmetafilehelper <dllimport("user32.dll", entrypoint:="openclipboard", _ setlasterror:=true, exactspelling:=true, callingconvention:=callingconvention.stdcall)> _ public shared function openclipboard(byval hwnd intptr) boolean end function <dllimport("user32.dll", entrypoint:="emptyclipboard", _ setlasterror:=true, exactspelling:=true, callingconvention:=callingconvention.stdcall)> _ public shared function emptyclipboard() boolean end function <dllimport("user32.dll", entrypoint:="setclipboarddata", _ setlasterror:=true, exactspelling:=true, callingconvention:=callingconvention.stdcall)> _ public shared function setclipboarddata(byval uformat integer, byval hwnd intptr) intptr end function <dllimport("user32.dll", entrypoint:="getclipboarddata", _ setlasterror:=true, exactspelling:=true, callingconvention:=callingconvention.stdcall)> _ public shared function getclipboarddata(byval uformat integer) intptr end function <dllimport("user32.dll", entrypoint:="closeclipboard", _ setlasterror:=true, exactspelling:=true, callingconvention:=callingconvention.stdcall)> _ public shared function closeclipboard() boolean end function <dllimport("gdi32.dll", entrypoint:="copyenhmetafilea", _ setlasterror:=true, exactspelling:=true, callingconvention:=callingconvention.stdcall)> _ public shared function copyenhmetafile(byval hemfsrc intptr, byval hnull intptr) intptr end function <dllimport("gdi32.dll", entrypoint:="deleteenhmetafile", _ setlasterror:=true, exactspelling:=true, callingconvention:=callingconvention.stdcall)> _ public shared function deleteenhmetafile(byval hemfsrc intptr) boolean end function ' metafile mf set state not valid inside function. public shared function putenhmetafileonclipboard(byval hwnd intptr, byval mf metafile) boolean dim bresult new boolean() bresult = false dim hemf, hemf2 intptr hemf = mf.gethenhmetafile() ' invalidates mf if not hemf.equals(new intptr(0)) hemf2 = copyenhmetafile(hemf, new intptr(0)) if not hemf2.equals(new intptr(0)) if openclipboard(hwnd) if emptyclipboard() dim hres intptr hres = setclipboarddata(14, hemf2) ' 14 == cf_enhmetafile bresult = hres.equals(hemf2) closeclipboard() end if end if end if deleteenhmetafile(hemf) end if return bresult end function public shared function getenhmetafilefromclipboard(byval hwnd intptr) image openclipboard(hwnd) ' intptr.zero dim hemf intptr = getclipboarddata(14) ' 14 == cf_enhmetafile closeclipboard() if hemf <> intptr.zero dim mf new metafile(hemf, true) dim b new bitmap(mf.width, mf.height) dim g graphics = graphics.fromimage(b) g.fillrectangle(brushes.white, 0, 0, 1000, 1000) dim unit graphicsunit = graphicsunit.millimeter dim rsrc rectanglef = mf.getbounds(unit) g.drawimage(mf, new rectangle(0, 0, mf.width, mf.height), rsrc, unit) return b end if return nothing end function end class
then call with:
picturebox1.image = clipboardmetafilehelper.getenhmetafilefromclipboard(me.handle)
the above code works wondering if there way of pasting enhanced metafile without need of dll's
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