i using angular js 2 2.0.0-beta-1 , displaying simple chart using google charts.
import {component, view} "angular2/core"; import {http, http_providers} "angular2/http"; import {oninit, ondestroy} 'angular2/core'; declare let io: any; declare let google: any; @component({ selector:'default', viewproviders: [http_providers] }) @view({ templateurl: 'app/default/default.html' }) export class defaultpage implements oninit, ondestroy { charttitle: string; data: any; options: any; timertoken: any; chart: any; socket: any; constructor(http: http) { } ngoninit() { console.log("oninit"); this.charttitle = "sample graph using live data"; this.options = { title: "my daily activities", is3d: true }; this.socket = io(); this.socket.on("data_updated", (msg) => { this.data = new google.visualization.datatable(); this.data.addcolumn('string', 'task'); this.data.addcolumn('number', 'hours per day'); this.data.addrows(5); let data = json.parse(msg).activitydata; (let = 0; < data.length; i++) { let act = data[i]; this.data.setcell(i, 0, act.act); this.data.setcell(i, 1, act.value); } this.chart.draw(this.data, this.options); }); this.chart = new google.visualization.piechart(document.getelementbyid('chart_div')); google.visualization.events.addlistener(this.chart, 'select', this.myselecthandler); } myselecthandler() { console.trace(); console.log("chart: " + this); //let selecteditem = this.chart.getselection()[0]; /*if (selecteditem) { let value = this.data.getvalue(selecteditem.row, 0); console.log("the user selected: " + value); }*/ } ngondestroy() { console.log("ondestroy"); this.socket.disconnect(); } }
the problem have following line.
google.visualization.events.addlistener(this.chart, 'select', this.myselecthandler);
the event registered when element on pie chart selected actual event handler fired. angular js 2 scope variables referenced aren't in scope. it's if the google chart visualization library running in own scope.
i know angular js 1 has angular-charts directive cannot use company wants use angular 2 only.
is there way can google charts api 'bubble' event event handler running on scope of angular component.
if want myselecthandler
takes part within angular2 context / change detection, leverage ngzone
, described below. way, changes make in function update view accordingly.
import {ngzone} 'angular2/core'; export class defaultpage implements oninit, ondestroy { constructor(private ngzone:ngzone) { } ngoninit() this.chart = new google.visualization.piechart( document.getelementbyid('chart_div')); google.visualization.events.addlistener( this.chart, 'select', () => { this.ngzone.run(() => { this.myselecthandler(); }); } ); } }
hope correctly understood question. thierry
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