ios - Address Book UI Framework deprecated methods -

i working on existing objective c project , while reading address book ui framework reference ios found below classes have deprecated in ios 9 . ( abunknownpersonviewcontroller , abpersonviewcontroller , abpeoplepickernavigationcontroller, abnewpersonviewcontroller ) replacement of .? can find document related . appreciated . in advance .

the addressbookui framework has been deprecated in ios 9, better should use contactsui framework.

it has many new features including features of addressbookui framework.

so, in case if targeting ios 9 should go contactsui framework.

to check addressbookui framework available specific ios version can following:

if ([cncontactstore class]) {   cncontactstore *store = [cncontactstore new];   //... } else {   // fallback old framework } 

here complete code that:

- (void) contactscan {     if ([cncontactstore class]) {         //ios9 or later         cnentitytype entitytype = cnentitytypecontacts;         if( [cncontactstore authorizationstatusforentitytype:entitytype] == cnauthorizationstatusnotdetermined)          {              cncontactstore * contactstore = [[cncontactstore alloc] init];              [contactstore requestaccessforentitytype:entitytype completionhandler:^(bool granted, nserror * _nullable error) {                  if(granted){                      [self getallcontact];                  }              }];          }         else if( [cncontactstore authorizationstatusforentitytype:entitytype]== cnauthorizationstatusauthorized)         {             [self getallcontact];         }     } }  -(void)getallcontact {     if([cncontactstore class])     {         //ios 9 or later         nserror* contacterror;         cncontactstore* addressbook = [[cncontactstore alloc]init];         [addressbook containersmatchingpredicate:[cncontainer predicateforcontainerswithidentifiers: @[addressbook.defaultcontaineridentifier]] error:&contacterror];         nsarray * keystofetch =@[cncontactemailaddresseskey, cncontactphonenumberskey, cncontactfamilynamekey, cncontactgivennamekey, cncontactpostaladdresseskey];         cncontactfetchrequest * request = [[cncontactfetchrequest alloc]initwithkeystofetch:keystofetch];         bool success = [addressbook enumeratecontactswithfetchrequest:request error:&contacterror usingblock:^(cncontact * __nonnull contact, bool * __nonnull stop){             [self parsecontactwithcontact:contact];         }];     } }  - (void)parsecontactwithcontact :(cncontact* )contact {     nsstring * firstname =  contact.givenname;     nsstring * lastname =  contact.familyname;     nsstring * phone = [[contact.phonenumbers valueforkey:@"value"] valueforkey:@"digits"];     nsstrubg * email = [contact.emailaddresses valueforkey:@"value"];     nsarray * addrarr = [self parseaddresswithcontac:contact]; }  - (nsmutablearray *)parseaddresswithcontac: (cncontact *)contact {     nsmutablearray * addrarr = [[nsmutablearray alloc]init];     cnpostaladdressformatter * formatter = [[cnpostaladdressformatter alloc]init];     nsarray * addresses = (nsarray*)[contact.postaladdresses valueforkey:@"value"];     if (addresses.count > 0) {         (cnpostaladdress* address in addresses) {             [addrarr addobject:[formatter stringfrompostaladdress:address]];         }     }     return addrarr; } 

just make sure ask permission read contacts device.

reference link:


for replacement addressbookui need use cncontactpickerviewcontroller. can check delegate methods can used pickup 1 or multiple contacts @ time.

this present inbuilt uiviewcontroller contacts , need implement delegate methods of it!

to select 1 contact:


to select multiple (new feature):


cncontactpickerdelegate reference:
