postgresql - Get list of tables that would be truncated by a cascade -

is there way list of tables truncated truncate cascade in postgres?

so example, assuming have 3 tables:

a b (depends on a) c (depends on b) 

truncate cascade; truncate b , c. how check ahead of time?

with of this answer can foreign table name query

select tc.constraint_name       ,tc.table_name       ,kcu.column_name       ,ccu.table_name foreign_table_name       ,ccu.column_name foreign_column_name       information_schema.table_constraints tc      join information_schema.key_column_usage kcu       on tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name     join information_schema.constraint_column_usage ccu       on ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name constraint_type = 'foreign key' , ccu.table_name = 'a' 


create view query

create view vdepend_table select s1.constraint_name     ,s1.table_name     ,s1.column_name     ,s1.ordinal_position     ,s2.table_name_ref     ,s2.column_name_ref     ,s2.ordinal_position_ref (     select key_column_usage.constraint_name         ,key_column_usage.table_name         ,key_column_usage.column_name         ,columns.ordinal_position     information_schema.key_column_usage     join information_schema.columns using (             table_name             ,column_name             )     ) s1 join (     select constraint_column_usage.constraint_name         ,constraint_column_usage.table_name table_name_ref         ,constraint_column_usage.column_name column_name_ref         ,cols_ref.ordinal_position ordinal_position_ref     information_schema.constraint_column_usage     join information_schema.columns cols_ref on cols_ref.table_name::text = constraint_column_usage.table_name::text         , cols_ref.column_name::text = constraint_column_usage.column_name::text     ) s2 on s1.constraint_name::text = s2.constraint_name::text     , not s1.table_name::text = s2.table_name_ref::text; 


 select table_name vdepend_table table_name_ref='a' 
