unity3d - Unity 2D Android ball jumping script AddForce -

i new unity , trying learn basics, learn physics @ school(ten grade).

what have done far - added ball project , used gravity on rigidbody.

i want make ball jump on air when there touch input, example - flappy bird.

my script basic:

void update() {     if (input.touchcount == 1)     {         getcomponent<rigidbody>().addforce(new vector2(0, 10), forcemode.impulse);     } } 

with script, ball falling(gravity) , when touch script, y coordinate changes happens sudden (no animation) , changes ~1 , continue falling(i can't keep ball on screen) , can make jump once, if press multiple times jump once, can see here: https://vid.me/arfk

thank helping.

i have created same scene in unity3d editor , played little same setup have. , yes had similar problems adding force on update , (but less) on fixedupdate. adding force on lateupdate seems work okay.

here code:

public rigidbody2d rb2dball;  void lateupdate() {     if(input.getkeyup(keycode.space))     {         rb2dball.addforce (vector2.up * 10f, forcemode2d.impulse);     } } 

and turned on interpolation:

enter image description here

i cant why physics bahaves this, bug in unity3d 5.x since on fixedupdate should work fine.
