php - Yii2 AccessControl for action to be accessed by certain website -

i have backend project on ssl server,, following:

class formcontroller extends controller {     public function behaviors()     {         return [             'access' => [                 'class' => accesscontrol::classname(),                 'rules' => [                                         [                         'actions' => ['index', 'delete', 'view', 'create'],                         'allow' => true,                         'roles' => ['@'], //only authorized users                     ],                     [                         'actions'=> ['create-order'],                         'allow'=>true   //change users ""                                        ]                 ],             ],          ];     } 

i need grant access create-order action frontend website. not sure if it's possible accesscontrol , appreciate if advise other solutions.

if want use ajax calls frontend on domain, should use corsfilter instead. example documentation:

public function behaviors() {     return [         'corsfilter' => [             'class' => \yii\filters\cors::classname(),             'cors' => [                 // restrict access                 'origin' => ['', ''],                 'access-control-request-method' => ['post', 'put'],                 // allow post , put methods                 'access-control-request-headers' => ['x-wsse'],                 // allow headers 'x-wsse'                 'access-control-allow-credentials' => true,                 // allow options caching                 'access-control-max-age' => 3600,                 // allow x-pagination-current-page header exposed browser.                 'access-control-expose-headers' => ['x-pagination-current-page'],             ],          ],     ]; } 

cross origin resource sharing in yii2
