php - Unable to fetch data from the selected checkbox -

here html code , php script, unable query data selected checkbox:

 <code>    search database using multiple options:<br /><br />    <form id="advanced_form" action="checkbox.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox1[]" value="1" /> location: projectid  <input type="text" name="projectid" size="10" /> basesq30   <input type="text" name="start" size="10" />   <input type="text" name="end" size="10" />  <br /><br />    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox1[]" value="2" /> platform:    <select name="key4" onchange="settext(key4,word4)">  <option selected="selected" value="all">select</option>  <option value="miseq">miseq</option>  <option value="hiseq">hiseq</option>    </select>.<br /><br />  <input type="checkbox" name="genotype" value="3" /> run no:  <select multiple="multiple" name="checkbox1[]" size="5">  <option selected="selected" value= "2">2</option>  <option value= "3">3</option>  <option value= "4">4</option>  <option value= "5">5</option>  <option value= "6">6</option>  </select>    <center>  <input type="reset" value="reset">  <input style="align: center;" type="submit" name="submit" value="search" /></center>    </form>  <?php  /*  attempt mysql server connection. assuming running mysql  server default setting (user 'root' no password)  */  $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "root123", "newdb");     // check connection  if($link === false)  {      die("error: not connect. " . mysqli_connect_error());  }  //code  if(isset($_post['submit']))  {      foreach($_post['checkbox1'] $checkbox1)      //printf("%s<br>",$checkbox1);        if($checkbox1==1)          $text=$_post['projectid'];      $a=$_post['start'];      $b=$_post['end'];      {          $sql="select * qcdata project_id='$text' , bases_q30>='$a' , bases_q30<='$b'";      }      if($checkbox1==2)      {          $value=$_post['key4'];          $sql1="select * qcdata platform='$value'";      }  }    echo "$sql";    if($result = mysqli_query($link, $sql))  {      if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0)      {          echo "<table align='left'>";          echo "<tr>";          echo "<th>sno</th>";          echo "<th>project_id</th>";          echo "<th>file_name</th>";          echo "<th>read_pair</th>";          echo "<th>total_bases</th>";          echo "<th>total_reads</th>";          echo "<th>bases_q20</th>";          echo "<th>bases_q30</th>";          echo "<th>average_read_length</th>";          echo "<th>readlength_range_min</th>";          echo "<th>readlength_range_max</th>";          echo "<th>quality_range_min</th>";          echo "<th>quality_range_max</th>";          echo "<th>phread_range_min</th>";          echo "<th>phread_range_max</th>";          echo "<th>gc_percentage</th>";          echo "<th>a</th>";          echo "<th>t</th>";          echo "<th>g</th>";          echo "<th>c</th>";          echo "<th>n</th>";          echo "<th>platform</th>";          echo "<th>run_no</th>";          echo "<th>creation_by</th>";          echo "<th>creation_date</th>";          echo "<th>last_modified</th>";            echo "</tr>";                    while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))          {              echo "<tr>";              echo "<td>" .$row['sno'].  "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['project_id'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['file_name']. "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['read_pair'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['total_bases'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['total_reads'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['bases_q20'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['bases_q30'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['average_read_length'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['readlength_range_min'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['readlength_range_max'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['quality_range_min'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['quality_range_max'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['phread_range_min'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['phread_range_max'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['gc_percentage'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['a'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['t'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['g'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['c'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['n'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['platform'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['run_no'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['creation_by'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['creation_date'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" .$row['last_modified'] . "</td>";              echo "</tr>";          }          echo "</table>";          // close result set          mysqli_free_result($result);      }      else{          echo "no records matching query found.";      }  }  else {      echo "error: not able execute $sql. " . mysqli_error($link);  }      // close connection  mysqli_close($link);  ?>  </code>

mysql db screenshot images here part 1 part 2

i remove []'s name of checkbox.
