there custom object(ex company) , list of custom object (ex employee) needs saved in blob datatype, below piece of code have tried without success. have tried dbtype.binary
did not workout.
below piece of insert query :
sql_cmd.parameters.add("@company", dbtype.byte); sql_cmd.parameters["@company"].value = (company); sql_cmd.parameters.add("@employees", dbtype.byte); sql_cmd.parameters["@employees"].value = ((list< employee >))root.employeelist;
exception :
system.formatexception unhandled user code. message=input string not in correct format.
below associated classes
class company { public string id { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public list<package> packages { get; set; } public string description { get; set; } } class employee { public string id { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public object description { get; set; } public address address { get; set; } public contact contact { get; set; } public string enterpriseid { get; set; } public object createddate { get; set; } public object modifieddate { get; set; } }
if using can store entire object. not in blob type. must have separate table 'package' objects. can add company id property package object can find items easily. has cleaner syntax.
db.createtable<company>(); db.createtable<package>(); db.insertall(alistofcompanies);
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