im using rpniemeyer`s kendo-knockout library bind viewmodel kendoui grid. subscribe change event of grid, can update corresponding viewmodel item.
i bound observablearray object's this:
{ address: "street name" clientnumber: 1337 namepartner: "client name" selected: false }
now, selected property set true when corresponding row selected (the change event of kendoui grid). think should using knockoutjs custom binding handler.
i found, doing kind of same. problem example gives error's in console, binding separate 'selecteditem' observable, while bind property within observablearray.
thanks in advance.
it not seamless want, can this:
- add handler
event - get selected row element using grid's
method - from row element data item using grid's
method - this dataitem clean object, take unique key (clientnumber in case) , use find original item in observablearray.
something like:
<div id="grid" data-bind="kendogrid: { data: items, sortable: true, selectable: true, change: updateselected, columns: ['address', 'clientnumber', 'namepartner'], widget: grid }"></div>
with updateselected
method on view model like:
updateselected: function() { var grid = viewmodel.grid(), row =, clientnumber = grid.dataitem(row).clientnumber, actualitem = ko.utils.arrayfirst(viewmodel.items(), function(item) { return item.clientnumber === clientnumber; }); if (actualitem) { actualitem.selected = true; if (viewmodel.previouslyselected) { viewmodel.previouslyselected.selected = false; } viewmodel.previouslyselected = actualitem; } return true; }
you consider attempting move logic custom binding added next kendogrid
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