html5 - Can H2 heading visually look like H1 and vice versa according to WCAG rules? -

i accessibility testing. in case have 2 headings

<h1 class="csspropertywithsmallfontsize">heading one</h1> <h2 class="csspropertywithbiggerfontsize">heading two</h2> 

visually h1 looks smaller h2 due css property added it. such scenario acceptable based on wcag 2.0 ?

wcag guidelines related headings available here:

from understand, long you're appropriately moving h1-h2-h3... , forth wcag has no concern font sizes or differences between them. generally, due function of headings, styling page show headings steadily decreasing in size. if style of page lends having these sizes mix-matched that's prerogative.

i would, however, recommend revisiting way page designed make sure best option.
