How to get multi sub strings from String, Android/Java -

i know there similar questions regarding this. however, tried many solutions , not work me.

i need extract multiple substrings string:

string content = "ben conan general manager 90010021"; 

note: content in string may not in format, may jumbled up.

i want extract phone number , email below:

1. 90010021


in project, trying result , display 2 different edittext. have tried using pattern , matcher class did not work.

i can provide codes here if requested, please me ~


below current method take out email address:

private static final string email_pattern =             "[a-za-z0-9\\+\\.\\_\\%\\-\\+]{1,256}" +                         "\\@" +                         "[a-za-z0-9][a-za-z0-9\\-]{0,64}" +                         "(" +                             "\\." +                             "[a-za-z0-9][a-za-z0-9\\-]{0,25}" +                         ")+";    public string emailvalidator(string email) {          pattern pattern = pattern.compile(email_pattern);         matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(email);          if (matcher.find()) {              return email.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end());          } else {              // todo handle condition when input doesn't have email address          }          return email;     } 

you can separate string arraylist this

    string str = "ben conan, general manager, 90010021,"; list<string> list = arrays.aslist(str.split(" ")); 
