javascript - How to get the price from other table using jquery -

how pricee , size_name table product_options?

product_options table

-id -product_id -pricee -size_name 

controller :

function addtocart() {   $product_id = input::get('product_id');   $quantity = 1;   $product = product::find($product_id);   if ($product) {     $item = new cart($product_id, $quantity);     session::push('cart', serialize($item));     return response::json(1);   }   return response::json(0); }  function mycart() {   $cart_items = [];   $session_items;   if (session::has('cart') && !empty(session::get('cart'))) {     $session_items = session::get('cart');     foreach($session_items $key => $item) {       $unserialized_item = unserialize($item);       $product = product::find($unserialized_item - > productid);       $cart_item = new stdclass;       $cart_item - > cart_id = $key;       $cart_item - > productid = $product - > id;       $cart_item - > seller_id = $product - > seller_id;       $cart_item - > category_id = $product - > category_id;       $cart_item - > product_name = $product - > product_name;       $cart_item - > description = $product - > description;       $cart_item - > price = $product - > price;       $cart_item - > image = $product - > image;       $cart_item - > quantity = $unserialized_item - > quantity;       $cart_item - > total = ($cart_item - > price * $cart_item - > quantity);       $counter = 0;       $found = false;       $index = null;       foreach($cart_items $it) {         if ($it - > productid == $product - > id) {           $index = $counter;           $found = true;         }         $counter++;       }       if ($found) {         $cart_items[$index] - > quantity = $cart_items[$index] - > quantity + $cart_item - > quantity;         $cart_items[$index] - > total = ($cart_items[$index] - > quantity * $cart_item - > price);       } else {         $cart_items[] = $cart_item;       }     }     if (request::ajax())     return $cart_items;     else       return view::make('cart', ['cart_items' => $cart_items]);   }   if (request::ajax())   return $cart_items;   else     return view::make('cart', ['cart_items' => $cart_items]); } } 

home :

cartlist();  function cartlist() {   $.get("{{ url::route('mycart') }}").done(function(data) {     $(".dropdown-cartlist").html("");     if (data.length == 0) {       $(".dropdown-cartlist").html("<li><span class='item'><h4>no items on cart.</h4></span></li>");     } else {       (var = 0; < data.length; i++) {         var cart_items = "<li>" +             "<span class='item'>" +             "<span class='item-left'>" +             "<img width='50px' height='50px' src='{{ url::asset('assets/images/uploads/') }}/" + data[i].image + "' alt='' />" +             "<span class='item-info'>" +             "<span>" + data[i].product_name + " x " + data[i].quantity + "($" + data[i].pricee + ")</span>" +             "<span>$" + data[i].total + "</span>" +             "</span>" +             "</span>" +             "<span class='item-right'>" +             "<button data-id='" + data[i].cart_id + "' class='removeproduct btn btn-xs btn-danger pull-right'>x</button>" +             "</span>" +             "</span>" +             "</li>";         $(".dropdown-cartlist").append(cart_items);       };     }   }); } 
