how can add spaces between numbers displayformat.
like example:
i'm need this:
5013 0301 0378 5500 0150 5500 1000 0000 1310 0000 0132
anyone have idea? thanks.
you can not format using displayformat property, can rely on ongettext event make happen.
i'm assuming field of string type, example:
function insertblankeach4chars(s: string): string; begin result := ''; while s <> '' begin result := result + copy(s, 1, 4) + ' '; delete(s, 1, 4); end; result := trim(result); end; procedure tmyform.myqueryfieldgettext(sender: tfield; var text: string; displaytext: boolean); begin if displaytext text := insertblankeach4chars(sender.asstring) else text := sender.asstring; end;
disclaimer: code written in browser , not tested. if you're going use in time-sensitive process, warn function may optimized better performance.
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