i trying implement pagination in angular2 app ng2-bootrap. following http://valor-software.github.io/ng2-bootstrap/#pagination
my app.html
<div> <div class="col-lg-12 text-right"> <pagination [totalitems]="totalitems" [itemsperpage]='2' (pagechanged)="pagechanged($event)" [(ngmodel)]="currentpage" [maxsize]="maxsize" class="pagination-sm" [boundarylinks]="true"></pagination> </div> </div>
my component
import { component, view, inject} 'angular2/core'; import { core_directives } 'angular2/common'; import { pagination_components } 'ng2-bootstrap/ng2-bootstrap'; // webpack html imports @view({ templateurl: '/scripts/src/components/demo/demo.html', directives: [pagination_components, core_directives] }) @component({ selector: 'tabs-demo', }) export class democomponent { private totalitems: number = 64; private currentpage: number = 4; private maxsize: number = 5; private bigtotalitems: number = 175; private bigcurrentpage: number = 1; private setpage(pageno: number): void { this.currentpage = pageno; }; private pagechanged(event: any): void { console.log('page changed to: ' + event.page); console.log('number items per page: ' + event.itemsperpage); }; }
its trigger pagechange event multiple time without clicking on pagination
the event triggered every time page
property of component updated (this can done programmatically without interaction ui).
in fact, event triggered 3 times when initializing pagination
component because of following:
method. part of lifecycle of component.export class pagination implements controlvalueaccessor, oninit, ipaginationconfig, iattribute { (...) ngoninit() { (...) this.page = this.cd.value; (...) } (...) }
method. method called because component ngmodel-compliant. when expression associated inngmodel
updated, method called new value. during initialization,writevalue
method called twice: firstnull
value ,1
value.export class pagination implements controlvalueaccessor, oninit, ipaginationconfig, iattribute { (...) writevalue(value:number) { this.page = value; this.pages = this.getpages(this.page, this.totalpages); } (...) }
that said, after initialization phase, pagechanged
triggered once per page
after having @ code of ng2-bootstrap, can't see how without updating code of pagination component.
here updates in class (file node_modules/ng2-bootstrap/components/pagination/pagination.ts
set page
block trigger events wheninited
:public set page(value) { this._page = (value > this.totalpages) ? this.totalpages : (value || 1); if (this.inited) { // <--------------- this.pagechanged.next({ page: this._page, itemsperpage: this.itemsperpage }); } }
method not setinited
property true @ end:ngoninit() { (...) //this.inited = true; }
property true @ end of first call ofwritevalue
:writevalue(value:number) { this.page = value; this.pages = this.getpages(this.page, this.totalpages); if (!this.inited) { this.inited = true; } }
this way pagechanged
event called once during pagination initialization phase.
hope helps you, thierry
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