i have following:
set statistics time on; go select * dbo.bidreviewcase join dbo.anprevent on anprevent.id = bidreviewcase.anpreventid join dbo.camera on camera.id = anprevent.cameraid -- << slow join here set statistics time off
execution plan
related schema
create table [dbo].[bidreviewcase] ( [caseid] int identity (1, 1) not null, [anpreventid] int not null, [summary] nvarchar (max) null, constraint [pk_bidreviewcase] primary key clustered ([caseid] asc), constraint [fk_bidreviewcase_anprevent_anpreventid] foreign key ([anpreventid]) references [dbo].[anprevent] ([id]) on delete cascade ); create table [dbo].[camera] ( [id] int identity (1, 1) not null, [cameraname] nvarchar (max) not null, [siteid] int not null, [nvrip] nvarchar (max) null, [nvrpassword] nvarchar (max) null, [nvrport] nvarchar (max) null, [nvrusername] nvarchar (max) null, [channela] nvarchar (max) null, [channelb] nvarchar (max) null, [reference] uniqueidentifier default ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') not null, constraint [pk_camera] primary key clustered ([id] asc), constraint [fk_camera_site_siteid] foreign key ([siteid]) references [dbo].[site] ([id]) on delete cascade ); create table [dbo].[anprevent] ( [id] int identity (1, 1) not null, [datetimeread] datetime2 (7) not null, [reference] uniqueidentifier not null, [registration] nvarchar (max) not null, [cameraid] int default ((0)) not null, [country] int default ((0)) not null, [datetimecreated] datetime2 (7) null, [direction] int default ((0)) not null, [eventreference] uniqueidentifier default ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') not null, [laneid] int default ((0)) not null, [region] int default ((0)) not null, constraint [pk_anprevent] primary key clustered ([id] asc), constraint [fk_anprevent_camera_cameraid] foreign key ([cameraid]) references [dbo].[camera] ([id]) on delete cascade ); go create nonclustered index [anpreventcameraid] on [dbo].[anprevent]([cameraid] asc) include([id]);
row counts
anpreventcount: 5676
bidreviewcasecount: 176
cameracount: 2
the above query takes 3-4
seconds , removing camera join takes 5ms
i discovered can change join
left join
, fixes issue. querying using entityframework
using inner joins
i have no idea causing behaviour. advice in resolving issue appreciated.
please try updating statistics on tables involved update statistics
the thing engine righteously thinks it's cheaper join smaller tables first , join result dependent table. add index on anpreventid field, should speed query
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