VB.net Dataset to XML Purchase Order -

i've coded program in vb.net has allowed me convert excel file xml using oledb strings, read datatable, dataset, , lastly converted dataset xml, can saved file.

now i'm stumped on how can xml save elements in specific way, purchase order?

all of current code , screenshot of excel file below. appreciated.

how xml file should if code worked:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ascii" standalone="yes"?>     <customerpurchaseorder xmlns="http://www.dummysite.com/">       <customerpurchaseorderfile>       <firstname>john</firstname>       <lastname>smith</lastname>       <orderdate>2015-12-11</orderdate>       <specialinstructions>leave @ front door</specialinstructions>       <lineitems>         <lineitem>           <itemdescription>brown shirt</itemdescription>           <qty>1</qty>           <price>$12.99</price>         </lineitem>         <lineitem>           <itemdescription>black shoes pair</itemdescription>           <qty>1</qty>           <price>$45.89</price>         </lineitem>         <lineitem>           <itemdescription>oranges</itemdescription>           <qty>5</qty>           <price>$8.99</price>         </lineitem>       </lineitems>       <firstname>lisa</firstname>       <lastname>lane</lastname>       <orderdate>2016-01-12</orderdate>       <specialinstructions />       <lineitems>         <lineitem>           <itemdescription>wheat bread loaf</itemdescription>           <qty>3</qty>           <price>$5.99</price>         </lineitem>         <lineitem>           <itemdescription>tv samsung 40"</itemdescription>           <qty>1</qty>           <price> $539.99</price>         </lineitem>       </lineitems>       </customerpurchaseorderfile>     </customerpurchaseorder> 

what - not want:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <customerpurchaseorder xmlns="http://www.dummysite.com">   <customerpurchaseorderfile>     <firstname>john</firstname>     <lastname>smith</lastname>     <orderdate>2015-12-11t00:00:00-08:00</orderdate>     <specialinstructions>leave @ front door</specialinstructions>     <itemdescription>brown shirt</itemdescription>     <qty>1</qty>     <price>12.99</price>   </customerpurchaseorderfile>   <customerpurchaseorderfile>     <itemdescription>black shoes pair</itemdescription>     <qty>1</qty>     <price>45.89</price>   </customerpurchaseorderfile>   <customerpurchaseorderfile>     <itemdescription>oranges</itemdescription>     <qty>5</qty>     <price>8.99</price>   </customerpurchaseorderfile>   <customerpurchaseorderfile>     <firstname>lisa</firstname>     <lastname>lane</lastname>     <orderdate>2016-01-12t00:00:00-08:00</orderdate>     <itemdescription>wheat bread loaf</itemdescription>     <qty>3</qty>     <price>5.99</price>   </customerpurchaseorderfile>   <customerpurchaseorderfile>     <itemdescription>tv samsung 40"</itemdescription>     <qty>1</qty>     <price>539.99</price>   </customerpurchaseorderfile> </customerpurchaseorder> 

my vb.net code

imports system.data.oledb  public class form1      dim myds dataset     dim mydt datatable = new datatable("customerpurchaseorderfile")     dim myfilepath string()      'load excel file button     private sub loadfilebtn_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles loadfilebtn.click         'choose excel file         'file dialog box properties         openfiledialog1.filter = "excel files (*.xls, *.xlsx)|*.xls;*.xlsx"         openfiledialog1.filterindex = 2         openfiledialog1.initialdirectory = "c:\"         savexmlbtn.enabled = false         dim checkopendialog dialogresult = openfiledialog1.showdialog()         dim myconnection string, excelconn oledbconnection         dim myadapter oledbdataadapter         'import file using oledb connections datatable -> dataset -> xml         try             'disable save button if no file loaded             if checkopendialog = dialogresult.cancel                 savexmlbtn.enabled = false             elseif checkopendialog = dialogresult.none                 savexmlbtn.enabled = false             elseif checkopendialog = dialogresult.ok                 myfilepath = openfiledialog1.filenames                 myconnection = "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=" + myfilepath(0) + ";extended properties=""excel 12.0;hdr=yes;imex=1;"""                 excelconn = new oledbconnection(myconnection)                 excelconn.open()                 myadapter = new oledbdataadapter("select * [sheet1$]", excelconn)                 mydt = new datatable()                 myds = new dataset()                 myds.tables.add(mydt)                 myds.merge(mydt)                 myds.datasetname = "customerpurchaseorder"                 myds.namespace = "http://www.dummysite.com"                 myds.prefix = ""                 myadapter.fill(myds, "customerpurchaseorderfile")                 myds.acceptchanges()                 excelconn.close()                 'dataset -> string storage                 dim storexml string = myds.getxml                 'preview in text box                 xmlpreviewbox.text = storexml             end if             'save dataset string         catch ex exception             msgbox(ex.tostring)                     if myfilepath isnot nothing                 msgbox("preview of xml file loaded.")                 savexmlbtn.enabled = true             end if          end try     end sub     'save converted excel xml file     private sub savexmlbtn_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles savexmlbtn.click         'file dialog box properties         savefiledialog1.filter = "xml files (*.xml)|*.xml"         savefiledialog1.filterindex = 1         savefiledialog1.initialdirectory = "c:\"         savexmlbtn.enabled = false         savefiledialog1.showdialog()         myfilepath = savefiledialog1.filenames         try             if savefiledialog1.filename <> ""                 'myds.writexml(myfilepath, xmlwritemode.ignoreschema)                 myds.writexml(myfilepath(0)) 'works , above works same             end if         catch ex exception             msgbox(ex.tostring)                     msgbox("xml file saved successfully.")         end try      end sub end class 

my excel file screenshot

it looks there 3 distinct parts. first group of po's, define this

    dim protopurchaseorders xelement = <purchaseorders>                                           </purchaseorders> 

the next part po

    dim protopo xelement = <po>                                   <firstname></firstname>                                   <lastame></lastame>                                   <orderdate></orderdate>                                   <specialinstructions></specialinstructions>                                   <items></items>                               </po> 

and have line items added items in po.

    dim protoitem xelement = <item>                                     <description></description>                                     <qty></qty>                                     <price></price>                                 </item> 

these prototypes can used create want. here code simulates group of 2 po's line items. note prototypes used in creation of new xelements.

    dim orderfile new xelement(protopurchaseorders)     x integer = 1 2 'simulate 2 customer po's         dim apo new xelement(protopo) 'create po , fill in blanks         apo.<firstname>.value = x.tostring         apo.<lastame>.value = x.tostring         apo.<orderdate>.value = datetime.now.adddays(x).toshortdatestring         apo.<specialinstructions>.value = "si " & x.tostring         integer = x 3 'create line items , fill in blanks             dim item new xelement(protoitem)             item.<description>.value = "desc " & i.tostring             item.<qty>.value = i.tostring             item.<price>.value = i.tostring("c2")             apo.<items>.lastordefault.add(item) 'add item po         next         orderfile.add(apo) 'add po orders     next     'orderfile.save("path goes here") 

this adds 1 level of abstraction(po) wasn't in 'what want', think needed.

the output above is

<purchaseorders>   <po>     <firstname>1</firstname>     <lastame>1</lastame>     <orderdate>1/30/2016</orderdate>     <specialinstructions>si 1</specialinstructions>     <items>       <item>         <description>desc 1</description>         <qty>1</qty>         <price>$1.00</price>       </item>       <item>         <description>desc 2</description>         <qty>2</qty>         <price>$2.00</price>       </item>       <item>         <description>desc 3</description>         <qty>3</qty>         <price>$3.00</price>       </item>     </items>   </po>   <po>     <firstname>2</firstname>     <lastame>2</lastame>     <orderdate>1/31/2016</orderdate>     <specialinstructions>si 2</specialinstructions>     <items>       <item>         <description>desc 2</description>         <qty>2</qty>         <price>$2.00</price>       </item>       <item>         <description>desc 3</description>         <qty>3</qty>         <price>$3.00</price>       </item>     </items>   </po> </purchaseorders> 
