- consider windows 10, iis 10, aspnet5 rc1, basic aspnet5 web application
- app.run -> returns string response
- the web app published file system, approot, wwwroot folders created
in iis, virtual directory made point wwwroot folder , url loads fine.
now, how debug iis website (approot c# code)?
in vs 2015, file -> open website -> local iis -> select aspnet5 website.
shows wwwroot folder. c# code present in approot folder
asp.net 5 apps after publishing run dnx process. if have observed when deploy asp.net 5 apps on iis, app pool has set "no managed code".
meaning iis accepts request browsers, passes dnx of httpplatformhandler, dnx actual work of bootstrapping/ starting web apps.
this different traditional asp.net technologies.
so in visual studio 2015 debug --> attach process --> select dnx program running, attach , run. check screen shot
it hits vs source code.
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