javascript - Angular ng-table with Goto page -

i'm using ng-table setup custom pagination control. want have input allows valid page numbers. have existing pagination far.

script(type="text/ng-template" id="ng-table-pagination-input")   div(class="ng-cloak ng-table-pager" ng-if="")     br     ul(ng-if="pages.length" class="pagination ng-table-pagination")       li(ng-class="{'disabled': ! && !page.current, 'active': page.current}" ng-repeat="page in pages" ng-switch="page.type")         a(ng-switch-when="prev" ng-click="" href="")           span «         a(ng-switch-when="next" ng-click="" href="")           span » 

how can input control in there work properly?

ended finding magical piece of angular code make work.

<input ng-model="" ng-model-options="{gettersetter: true}" /> 
