android - Writing my own OBJ parser that loads the data in VBOs, how to re-order data to match single index list? -

i've been trying convert obj parser wrote used display lists use vbos instead, , have attempted see if figure out issue myself without outside help, think have been looking @ code long , unable find errors.

this android app, through opengles 2.0, , end triangles on screen, not in correct places @ all. have feeling attempt of elements of each face based on single list of indices incorrect , end throwing out of order, unable find error.

essentially, since obj format gives separate index vertex, texture coordinate , normal vector, end 3 lists of data out of order each other, vbo references each part based on single list of indices.

here code, in order me:


public class objtoolkit {     public static mesh loadobj(string modellocation) throws filenotfoundexception, ioexception     {         log.d("objtoolkit", "location searched model: " + modellocation);          arraylist<float> allvertices = new arraylist<float>();         arraylist<float> alltexturecoors = new arraylist<float>();         arraylist<float> allnormals = new arraylist<float>();          arraylist<face> faces = new arraylist<face>();          bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(new filereader(new file(modellocation)));          mesh mesh = new mesh();          log.d("objtoolkit", "about read contents of model");         while (reader.ready())         {             string line = reader.readline();              if (line == null)                 break;              if (line.startswith("v "))             {                 allvertices.add(float.valueof(line.split(" ")[1]));                 allvertices.add(float.valueof(line.split(" ")[2]));                 allvertices.add(float.valueof(line.split(" ")[3]));             }              if (line.startswith("vt "))             {                 alltexturecoors.add(float.valueof(line.split(" ")[1]));                 alltexturecoors.add(float.valueof(line.split(" ")[2]));             }              if (line.startswith("vn "))             {                 allnormals.add(float.valueof(line.split(" ")[1]));                 allnormals.add(float.valueof(line.split(" ")[2]));                 allnormals.add(float.valueof(line.split(" ")[3]));             }              if (line.startswith("f "))             {                 face f = new face();                 string[] linearray = line.split(" ");                  (int index = 1; index < linearray.length; index++)                 {                     string[] valuearray = linearray[index].split("/");                     f.addvertexindex(integer.valueof(valuearray[0]));                     if (valuearray.length > 1)                         f.addtextureindex(integer.valueof(valuearray[1]));                     if (valuearray.length > 2)                         f.addnormalindex(integer.valueof(valuearray[2]));                 }                 faces.add(f);             }         }         reader.close();          arraylist<float> verticesinorder = new arraylist<float>();         arraylist<integer> indicesinorder = new arraylist<integer>();         arraylist<float> texturecoorsinorder = new arraylist<float>();         arraylist<float> normalsinorder = new arraylist<float>();          int counter = 0;         log.d("objtoolkit", "about reorganize each point of data");         (face f : faces)         {             (int value : f.vertexindices)             {                 verticesinorder.add(allvertices.get(value));             }              (int value : f.textureindices)             {                 texturecoorsinorder.add(alltexturecoors.get(value));             }              (int value : f.normalindices)             {                 normalsinorder.add(allnormals.get(value));             }             indicesinorder.add(counter);             counter++;         }          log.d("objtoolkit", "vertices");         printfloatarraylist(verticesinorder);         log.d("objtoolkit", "indices");         printintegerarraylist(indicesinorder);         log.d("objtoolkit", "texture coordinates");         printfloatarraylist(texturecoorsinorder);         log.d("objtoolkit", "normals");         printfloatarraylist(normalsinorder);          log.d("objtoolkit", "about create vbos");         mesh.createbuffers(floatlisttofloatarray(verticesinorder), integerlisttoshortarray(indicesinorder), null, floatlisttofloatarray(texturecoorsinorder));         return mesh;     }      public static void printfloatarraylist(arraylist<float> list)     {         string strtoprint = "";         (float value : list)         {             strtoprint += value + ", ";         }         log.d("objtoolkit", strtoprint);     }      public static void printintegerarraylist(arraylist<integer> list)     {         string strtoprint = "";         (float value : list)         {             strtoprint += value + ", ";         }         log.d("objtoolkit", strtoprint);     }      public static float[] floatlisttofloatarray(arraylist<float> list)     {         log.d("objtoolkit", "converting arraylist float");         float[] returnarray = new float[list.size()];         int counter = 0;         (float : list)         {             returnarray[counter] = i;             counter++;         }         return returnarray;     }      public static short[] integerlisttoshortarray(arraylist<integer> list)     {         log.d("objtoolkit", "converting arraylist integer");         short[] returnarray = new short[list.size()];         int counter = 0;         (int : list)         {             returnarray[counter] = (short)i;             counter++;         }         return returnarray;     } } 

mesh class:

public class mesh {      bitmap bitmap = null;      private floatbuffer verticesbuffer;     private shortbuffer indicesbuffer;     private int numofindices = -1;     private float[] rgba = new float[] {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};     private floatbuffer colorbuffer;     private floatbuffer mtexturebuffer;     private int mtextureid = -1;     private bitmap mbitmap;     private boolean mshouldloadtexture = false;      public float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, rx = 0, ry = 0, rz = 0;      public mesh() {      }      public void draw(gl10 gl)     {         //log.d("mesh", "about render mesh");         gl.glfrontface(gl10.gl_ccw);         gl.glenable(gl10.gl_cull_face);         gl.glcullface(gl10.gl_back);         gl.glenableclientstate(gl10.gl_vertex_array);         gl.glvertexpointer(3, gl10.gl_float, 0, verticesbuffer);         gl.glcolor4f(rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3]);         if (colorbuffer != null)         {             gl.glenableclientstate(gl10.gl_color_array);             gl.glcolorpointer(4, gl10.gl_float, 0, colorbuffer);         }          if (mshouldloadtexture)         {             loadgltexture(gl);             mshouldloadtexture = false;         }          if (mtextureid != -1 && mtexturebuffer != null)         {             gl.glenable(gl10.gl_texture_2d);             gl.glenableclientstate(gl10.gl_texture_coord_array);             gl.gltexcoordpointer(2, gl10.gl_float, 0, mtexturebuffer);             gl.glbindtexture(gl10.gl_texture_2d, mtextureid);         }          gl.gltranslatef(x, y, z);         gl.glrotatef(rx, 1, 0, 0);         gl.glrotatef(ry, 0, 1, 0);         gl.glrotatef(rz, 0, 0, 1);         gl.gldrawelements(gl10.gl_triangles, numofindices, gl10.gl_unsigned_short, indicesbuffer);         gl.gldisableclientstate(gl10.gl_vertex_array);         if (mtextureid != -1 && mtexturebuffer != null)         {             gl.gldisableclientstate(gl10.gl_texture_coord_array);         }         gl.gldisable(gl10.gl_cull_face);     }      public void settexture(bitmap bitmap) {         this.bitmap = bitmap;     }      public void createbuffers(float[] vertices, short[] indices, float[] colors, float[] texturecoords)     {         log.d("meshcreatebuffers", "vertices: " + floatarraytostring(vertices));         setvertices(vertices);         log.d("meshcreatebuffers", "indices: " + shortarraytostring(indices));         setindices(indices);         if (colors != null)             setcolors(colors);         settexturecoordinates(texturecoords);         log.d("meshcreatebuffers", "texture coors: " + floatarraytostring(texturecoords));     }      public string floatarraytostring(float[] array)     {         string returnstring = "";         (int = 0; < array.length; i++)         {             returnstring += array[i];         }         return returnstring;     }      public string shortarraytostring(short[] array)     {         string returnstring = "";         (int = 0; < array.length; i++)         {             returnstring += array[i];         }         return returnstring;     }      protected void setvertices(float[] vertices)     {         bytebuffer vbb = bytebuffer.allocatedirect(vertices.length * 4);         vbb.order(byteorder.nativeorder());         verticesbuffer = vbb.asfloatbuffer();         verticesbuffer.put(vertices);         verticesbuffer.position(0);     }      protected void setindices(short[] indices)     {         bytebuffer ibb = bytebuffer.allocatedirect(indices.length * 2);         ibb.order(byteorder.nativeorder());         indicesbuffer = ibb.asshortbuffer();         indicesbuffer.put(indices);         indicesbuffer.position(0);         numofindices = indices.length;     }      protected void setcolor(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)     {         rgba[0] = red;         rgba[1] = green;         rgba[2] = blue;         rgba[3] = alpha;     }      protected void setcolors(float[] colors)     {         bytebuffer cbb = bytebuffer.allocatedirect(colors.length * 4);         cbb.order(byteorder.nativeorder());         colorbuffer = cbb.asfloatbuffer();         colorbuffer.put(colors);         colorbuffer.position(0);     }      protected void settexturecoordinates(float[] texturecoords)     {         bytebuffer bytebuf = bytebuffer.allocatedirect(texturecoords.length * 4);         bytebuf.order(byteorder.nativeorder());         mtexturebuffer = bytebuf.asfloatbuffer();         mtexturebuffer.put(texturecoords);         mtexturebuffer.position(0);     }      public void loadbitmap(bitmap bitmap)     {         this.mbitmap = bitmap;         mshouldloadtexture = true;     }      private void loadgltexture(gl10 gl)     {         int[] textures = new int[1];         gl.glgentextures(1, textures, 0);         mtextureid = textures[0];         gl.glbindtexture(gl10.gl_texture_2d, mtextureid);         gl.gltexparameterf(gl10.gl_texture_2d, gl10.gl_texture_min_filter, gl10.gl_linear);         gl.gltexparameterf(gl10.gl_texture_2d, gl10.gl_texture_mag_filter, gl10.gl_linear);         gl.gltexparameterf(gl10.gl_texture_2d, gl10.gl_texture_wrap_s, gl10.gl_clamp_to_edge);         gl.gltexparameterf(gl10.gl_texture_2d, gl10.gl_texture_wrap_t, gl10.gl_repeat);         glutils.teximage2d(gl10.gl_texture_2d, 0, mbitmap, 0);     } } 

am doing blatantly wrong or over-complicated have been unable spot?

i thank willing offer input.

i got work, part. wasn't keeping related data each vertex enough time needed rendered, out of order. parser of supports vertices, normals , texture coordinates, although mildly detailed meshes hits maximum heap size , gets stuck in long garbage collection loop. created suzanne monkey head in blender, subdivided once smoothing , exported obj. did load, took 20 minutes.

here source, i'm sure not manage find code read obj file , sent graphics card in form of vbos, normals , texture coordinates working:

public class objtoolkit {     private static arraylist<string> parseobj(string modellocation) throws ioexception     {         bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(new filereader(new file(modellocation)));         arraylist<string> lines = new arraylist<string>();         while(reader.ready())         {             lines.add(reader.readline());         }         reader.close();         reader = null;         return lines;     }      public static mesh loadobj(string modellocation) throws filenotfoundexception, ioexception     {         log.d("objtoolkit", "location searched model: " + modellocation);          arraylist<vector3f> allvertices = new arraylist<vector3f>();         arraylist<vector2f> alltexturecoords = new arraylist<vector2f>();         arraylist<vector3f> allnormals = new arraylist<vector3f>();          arraylist<face> faces = new arraylist<face>();          mesh mesh = new mesh();          arraylist<string> lines = parseobj(modellocation);          log.d("objtoolkit", "about read contents of model");         (string line : lines)         {             if (line == null)                 break;              if (line.startswith("v "))             {                 allvertices.add(new vector3f(float.valueof(line.split(" ")[1]), float.valueof(line.split(" ")[2]), float.valueof(line.split(" ")[3])));             }              if (line.startswith("vt "))             {                 alltexturecoords.add(new vector2f(float.valueof(line.split(" ")[1]),float.valueof(line.split(" ")[2])));             }              if (line.startswith("vn "))             {                 allnormals.add(new vector3f(float.valueof(line.split(" ")[1]), float.valueof(line.split(" ")[2]), float.valueof(line.split(" ")[3])));             }              if (line.startswith("f "))             {                 //log.d("objtoolkit", line);                 face f = new face();                 string[] facevertexarray = line.split(" ");                  (int index = 1; index < facevertexarray.length; index++)                 {                     string[] valuearray = facevertexarray[index].split("/");                      if (alltexturecoords.size() > 0)                         f.addvertex(new vertex(allvertices.get(integer.valueof(valuearray[0]) - 1), allnormals.get(integer.valueof(valuearray[2]) - 1), alltexturecoords.get(integer.valueof(valuearray[1]) - 1)));                     else                         f.addvertex(new vertex(allvertices.get(integer.valueof(valuearray[0]) - 1), allnormals.get(integer.valueof(valuearray[2]) - 1), new vector2f(0, 0)));                 }                 faces.add(f);             }         }          log.d("objtoolkit", "number of vertices: " + allvertices.size());         log.d("objtoolkit", "number of normals: " + allnormals.size());         log.d("objtoolkit", "number of texture coords: " + alltexturecoords.size());          lines = null;         allvertices = null;         allnormals = null;         alltexturecoords = null;          arraylist<vector3f> vbovertices = new arraylist<vector3f>();         arraylist<vector2f> vbotexturecoords = new arraylist<vector2f>();         arraylist<vector3f> vbonormals = new arraylist<vector3f>();         arraylist<integer> vboindices = new arraylist<integer>();          log.d("objtoolkit", "about reorganize each point of data");         int counter = 0;         (face f : faces)         {             (vertex v : f.vertices)             {                 vbovertices.add(v.position);                 vbonormals.add(v.normal);                 vbotexturecoords.add(v.texturecoord);                 vboindices.add(counter);                 counter++;             }         }          faces = null;          mesh.createbuffers(vector3flisttofloatarray(vbovertices), integerlisttoshortarray(vboindices), null, vector2flisttofloatarray(vbotexturecoords), vector3flisttofloatarray(vbonormals));          vbovertices = null;         vbonormals = null;         vbotexturecoords = null;         vboindices = null;         return mesh;     }      public static void printfloatarraylist(arraylist<float> list)     {         string strtoprint = "";         (float value : list)         {             strtoprint += (value + ", ");         }         log.d("objtoolkit", strtoprint);     }      public static string floatarraytostring(arraylist<float> list)     {         string strtoprint = "";         (float value : list)         {             strtoprint += (value + ", ");         }         return strtoprint;     }      public static string vector3farraytostring(arraylist<vector3f> list)     {         string strtoprint = "";         (vector3f v : list)         {             strtoprint += v.x + ", ";             strtoprint += v.y + ", ";             strtoprint += v.z + ", ";         }         return strtoprint;     }      public static void printstringarray(string[] list)     {         string strtoprint = "";         (string s : list)         {             strtoprint += s + ",";         }         log.d("objtoolkit", strtoprint);     }      public static void printintegerarraylist(arraylist<integer> list)     {         string strtoprint = "";         (float value : list)         {             strtoprint += (value + ", ");         }         log.d("objtoolkit", strtoprint);     }      public static float[] floatlisttofloatarray(arraylist<float> list)     {         log.d("objtoolkit", "converting arraylist float");         float[] returnarray = new float[list.size()];         int counter = 0;         (float : list)         {             returnarray[counter] = i.floatvalue();             counter++;         }         return returnarray;     }      public static short[] integerlisttoshortarray(arraylist<integer> list)     {         log.d("objtoolkit", "converting arraylist integer");         short[] returnarray = new short[list.size()];         int counter = 0;         (int : list)         {             returnarray[counter] = (short)i;             counter++;         }         return returnarray;     }      public static float[] vector3flisttofloatarray(arraylist<vector3f> list)     {         log.d("objtoolkit", "converting arraylist vector3f");         float[] returnarray = new float[list.size() * 3];         int counter = 0;         (vector3f v : list)         {             returnarray[counter] = v.x;             counter++;             returnarray[counter] = v.y;             counter++;             returnarray[counter] = v.z;             counter++;         }          return returnarray;     }      public static float[] vector2flisttofloatarray(arraylist<vector2f> list)     {         log.d("objtoolkit", "converting arraylist vector2f");         float[] returnarray = new float[list.size() * 2];         int counter = 0;         (vector2f v : list)         {             returnarray[counter] = v.x;             counter++;             returnarray[counter] = v.y;             counter++;         }          return returnarray;     } 


public class vector3f {     public float x, y, z;      public vector3f()     {         setto(0, 0, 0);     }      public vector3f(float x, float y, float z)     {         setto(x, y, z);     }      public void setto(float x, float y, float z)     {         this.x = x;         this.y = y;         this.z = z;     }      public float lengthsquared()     {         return x*x + y*y + z*z;     }      public float length()     {         return (float) math.sqrt(lengthsquared());     }      public vector3f add(vector3f v)     {         return new vector3f(x + v.x, y + v.y, z + v.z);     }      public vector3f addandset(vector3f v)     {         x += v.x;         y += v.y;         z += v.z;         return this;     }      public vector3f crossproduct(vector3f v)     {         return new vector3f(y * v.z - z * v.y,                 z * v.x - x * z,                 x * v.y - y * v.x                 );     }      public vector3f negate()     {         x *= -1;         y *= -1;         z *= -1;         return this;     }      public vector3f normalize()     {         float l = length();          return new vector3f(x / l, y / l, z / l);     }      public float dotproduct(vector3f v)     {         return x * v.x + y * v.y + z * v.z;     }      public float anglebetween(vector3f v)     {         float dls = dotproduct(v) / (length() * v.length());         if (dls < -1f)             dls = -1f;         else if (dls > 1.0f)             dls = 1.0f;         return (float)math.acos(dls);     }      public vector3f scale(float scale)     {         return new vector3f(x * scale, y * scale, z * scale);     }      public vector3f scaleandset(float scale)     {         x *= scale;         y *= scale;         z *= scale;         return this;     }   } 


public class vector2f {     public float x, y;      public vector2f()     {         setto(0, 0);     }      public vector2f(float x, float y)     {         setto(x, y);     }      public void setto(float x, float y)     {         this.x = x;         this.y = y;     }      public float lengthsquared()     {         return x * x + y * y;     }      public float length()     {         return (float) math.sqrt(lengthsquared());     }      public vector2f add(float x, float y)     {         return new vector2f(this.x + x, this.y + y);     }      public vector2f addandset(float x, float y)     {         this.x += x;         this.y += y;         return this;     }      public vector2f negate()     {         x *= -1;         y *= -1;         return this;     }      public vector2f normalize()     {         float l = length();         return new vector2f(x / l, y / l);     }      public float dotproduct(vector2f v)     {         return x * v.x + y * v.y;     }      public float anglebetween(vector2f v)     {         float dls = dotproduct(v) / (length() * v.length());         if (dls < -1f)             dls = -1f;         else if (dls > 1.0f)             dls = 1.0f;         return (float)math.acos(dls);     }      public vector2f scale(float scale)     {         return new vector2f(x * scale, y * scale);     }      public vector2f scaleandset(float scale)     {         x *= scale;         y *= scale;         return this;     } } 


public class mesh {      bitmap bitmap = null;      private floatbuffer verticesbuffer;     private shortbuffer indicesbuffer;     private floatbuffer normalsbuffer;     private int numofindices = -1;     private float[] rgba = new float[] {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};     private floatbuffer colorbuffer;     private floatbuffer mtexturebuffer;     private int mtextureid = -1;     private bitmap mbitmap;     private boolean mshouldloadtexture = false;      public float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, rx = 0, ry = 0, rz = 0;      public mesh() {      }      public void draw(gl10 gl)     {         //log.d("mesh", "about render mesh");         gl.glfrontface(gl10.gl_ccw);         gl.glenable(gl10.gl_cull_face);         gl.glcullface(gl10.gl_back);         gl.glenableclientstate(gl10.gl_vertex_array);         gl.glenableclientstate(gl10.gl_normal_array);         gl.glvertexpointer(3, gl10.gl_float, 0, verticesbuffer);         gl.glnormalpointer(gl10.gl_float, 0, normalsbuffer);         gl.glcolor4f(rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3]);         if (colorbuffer != null)         {             gl.glenableclientstate(gl10.gl_color_array);             gl.glcolorpointer(4, gl10.gl_float, 0, colorbuffer);         }          if (mshouldloadtexture)         {             loadgltexture(gl);             mshouldloadtexture = false;         }          if (mtextureid != -1 && mtexturebuffer != null)         {             gl.glenable(gl10.gl_texture_2d);             gl.glenableclientstate(gl10.gl_texture_coord_array);             gl.gltexcoordpointer(2, gl10.gl_float, 0, mtexturebuffer);             gl.glbindtexture(gl10.gl_texture_2d, mtextureid);         }          gl.gltranslatef(x, y, z);         gl.glrotatef(rx, 1, 0, 0);         gl.glrotatef(ry, 0, 1, 0);         gl.glrotatef(rz, 0, 0, 1);         gl.gldrawelements(gl10.gl_triangles, numofindices, gl10.gl_unsigned_short, indicesbuffer);         gl.gldisableclientstate(gl10.gl_normal_array);         gl.gldisableclientstate(gl10.gl_vertex_array);         if (mtextureid != -1 && mtexturebuffer != null)         {             gl.gldisableclientstate(gl10.gl_texture_coord_array);         }         gl.gldisable(gl10.gl_cull_face);     }      public void settexture(bitmap bitmap) {         this.bitmap = bitmap;     }      public void createbuffers(float[] vertices, short[] indices, float[] colors, float[] texturecoords, float[] normals)     {         log.d("meshcreatebuffers", "vertices: " + floatarraytostring(vertices));         setvertices(vertices);         log.d("meshcreatebuffers", "indices: " + shortarraytostring(indices));         setindices(indices);         if (colors != null)             setcolors(colors);         if (texturecoords != null)             settexturecoordinates(texturecoords);         if (normals != null)             setnormals(normals);         log.d("meshcreatebuffers", "texture coors: " + floatarraytostring(texturecoords));     }      public string floatarraytostring(float[] array)     {         string returnstring = "";         (int = 0; < array.length; i++)         {             returnstring += ", " + array[i];         }         if (returnstring.length() > 2)             return returnstring.substring(2);         else             return returnstring;     }      public string shortarraytostring(short[] array)     {         string returnstring = "";         (int = 0; < array.length; i++)         {             returnstring += ", " + array[i];         }         if (returnstring.length() > 2)             return returnstring.substring(2);         else             return returnstring;     }      protected void setvertices(float[] vertices)     {         bytebuffer vbb = bytebuffer.allocatedirect(vertices.length * 4);         vbb.order(byteorder.nativeorder());         verticesbuffer = vbb.asfloatbuffer();         verticesbuffer.put(vertices);         verticesbuffer.position(0);     }      protected void setindices(short[] indices)     {         bytebuffer ibb = bytebuffer.allocatedirect(indices.length * 2);         ibb.order(byteorder.nativeorder());         indicesbuffer = ibb.asshortbuffer();         indicesbuffer.put(indices);         indicesbuffer.position(0);         numofindices = indices.length;     }      protected void setcolor(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)     {         rgba[0] = red;         rgba[1] = green;         rgba[2] = blue;         rgba[3] = alpha;     }      protected void setcolors(float[] colors)     {         bytebuffer cbb = bytebuffer.allocatedirect(colors.length * 4);         cbb.order(byteorder.nativeorder());         colorbuffer = cbb.asfloatbuffer();         colorbuffer.put(colors);         colorbuffer.position(0);     }      protected void settexturecoordinates(float[] texturecoords)     {         bytebuffer bytebuf = bytebuffer.allocatedirect(texturecoords.length * 4);         bytebuf.order(byteorder.nativeorder());         mtexturebuffer = bytebuf.asfloatbuffer();         mtexturebuffer.put(texturecoords);         mtexturebuffer.position(0);     }      protected void setnormals(float[] normals)     {         bytebuffer bytebuf = bytebuffer.allocatedirect(normals.length * 4);         bytebuf.order(byteorder.nativeorder());         normalsbuffer = bytebuf.asfloatbuffer();         normalsbuffer.put(normals);         normalsbuffer.position(0);     }      public void loadbitmap(bitmap bitmap)     {         this.mbitmap = bitmap;         mshouldloadtexture = true;     }      private void loadgltexture(gl10 gl)     {         int[] textures = new int[1];         gl.glgentextures(1, textures, 0);         mtextureid = textures[0];         gl.glbindtexture(gl10.gl_texture_2d, mtextureid);         gl.gltexparameterf(gl10.gl_texture_2d, gl10.gl_texture_min_filter, gl10.gl_linear);         gl.gltexparameterf(gl10.gl_texture_2d, gl10.gl_texture_mag_filter, gl10.gl_linear);         gl.gltexparameterf(gl10.gl_texture_2d, gl10.gl_texture_wrap_s, gl10.gl_clamp_to_edge);         gl.gltexparameterf(gl10.gl_texture_2d, gl10.gl_texture_wrap_t, gl10.gl_repeat);         glutils.teximage2d(gl10.gl_texture_2d, 0, mbitmap, 0);     } } 


public class face {     arraylist<vertex> vertices = new arraylist<vertex>();      public face()     {      }      public void addvertex(vertex vertex)     {         vertices.add(vertex);     } } 


public class vertex {     public vector3f position, normal;     public vector2f texturecoord;      public vertex(vector3f pos, vector3f norm, vector2f textcoord)     {         position = pos;         normal = norm;         texturecoord = textcoord;     } } 


public class mainactivity extends activity {      @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         this.requestwindowfeature(window.feature_no_title);         getwindow().setflags(windowmanager.layoutparams.flag_fullscreen, windowmanager.layoutparams.flag_fullscreen);         myglsurfaceview view = new myglsurfaceview(this);         openglrenderer renderer = new openglrenderer();         view.renderer = renderer;         //renderer.plane.loadbitmap(bitmapfactory.decoderesource(getresources(), r.drawable.ic_launcher));         view.setrenderer(renderer);         setcontentview(view);     } }  class myglsurfaceview extends glsurfaceview implements ongesturelistener, ontouchlistener {     openglrenderer renderer;     gesturedetector detector;      float lastx = 0, lasty = 0;      float ondown = 0, onup = 0;      public myglsurfaceview(context context) {         super(context);         detector = new gesturedetector(this);         setontouchlistener(this);     }      @override     public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent me)     {         detector.ontouchevent(me);         //log.d("objtoolkit", "x: " + me.getx());         //log.d("objtoolkit", "y: " + me.gety());         return super.ontouchevent(me);     }      @override     public boolean ontouch(view v, motionevent me)     {         log.d("objtoolkit", "registered ontouch event");         log.d("objtoolkit", "x: " + me.getx());         log.d("objtoolkit", "y: " + me.gety());         if (me.getaction() == motionevent.action_down)         {             lasty = me.gety();         }         else if (me.getaction() == motionevent.action_move)         {             renderer.movemesh(me.gety() - lasty);         }         /*         if (lastx == 0)         {             lastx = me.getx();         }         if (lasty == 0)         {             lasty = me.gety();         }         log.d("objtoolkit", string.valueof((me.gety() - lasty) * 0.1f));         renderer.movemesh(me.gety() - lasty);         */         lasty = me.gety();          return true;     }      @override     public boolean ondown(motionevent e) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         //log.d("objtoolkit", "registered ondown event");         return false;     }      @override     public boolean onfling(motionevent e1, motionevent e2, float velocityx,             float velocityy) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         //log.d("objtoolkit", "registered onfling event");         return false;     }      @override     public void onlongpress(motionevent e) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         //log.d("objtoolkit", "registered onlongpress event");      }      @override     public boolean onscroll(motionevent e1, motionevent e2, float distancex,             float distancey) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         //log.d("objtoolkit", "registered onscroll event");         return false;     }      @override     public void onshowpress(motionevent e) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         //log.d("objtoolkit", "registered onshowpress event");     }      @override     public boolean onsingletapup(motionevent e) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         //log.d("objtoolkit", "registered onsingletapup event");         return false;     }  } 


public class openglrenderer implements renderer {     //smoothcoloredsquare smoothsquare = new smoothcoloredsquare();     //cube cube = new cube(1, 1, 1);     public mesh plane;      public float meshmovespeed = .05f, planeposition = 0f;      float znear = 0.01f, zfar = 1000.0f, fieldofview = 45.0f, size;      @override     public void onsurfacecreated(gl10 gl, eglconfig config) {         log.d(getclass().getname(), "about attempt load model");         try {             plane = objtoolkit.loadobj(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().getpath() + "/testmodel.obj");         } catch (filenotfoundexception e) {             // todo auto-generated catch block             log.d("fnf", "testmodel.obj not found");             e.printstacktrace();         } catch (ioexception e) {             // todo auto-generated catch block             log.d("ioe", "testmodel.obj not found ioe");             e.printstacktrace();         }         //.z = -7.7f;         //plane.rx = -10;         gl.glenable(gl11.gl_depth_test);         gl.gldepthfunc(gl10.gl_lequal);         gl.glmatrixmode(gl11.gl_modelview);         gl.glshademodel(gl11.gl_smooth);         gl.glcleardepthf(1.0f);         gl.glenable(gl11.gl_lighting);         gl.glenable(gl11.gl_light0);         float ambientcolor[] = {0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f};         float diffusecolor[] = {0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f};         float lightposition[] = {-2f, 5f, -2f, 1f};         gl.gllightfv(gl11.gl_light0, gl11.gl_ambient, ambientcolor, 0);         gl.gllightfv(gl11.gl_light0, gl11.gl_diffuse, diffusecolor, 0);         gl.gllightfv(gl11.gl_light0, gl11.gl_position, lightposition, 0);         gl.glloadidentity();         gl.glclearcolor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f);         gl.glhint(gl11.gl_perspective_correction_hint, gl11.gl_nicest);     }      @override     public void onsurfacechanged(gl10 gl, int width, int height) {         //reset viewport         gl.glviewport(0, 0, width, height);         //select projection matrix         gl.glmatrixmode(gl10.gl_projection);         size = (float) (znear * math.tan((fieldofview / 180.0f) * math.pi) / 2.0f);         gl.glfrustumf(-size, size, -size / (width / height), size / (width / height), znear, zfar);         gl.glviewport(0, 0, width, height);         //reset projection matrix         gl.glloadidentity();         //calculate aspect ratio of window         glu.gluperspective(gl, 45.0f, (float)width / (float)height, 0.1f, 100.0f);         //glu.glulookat(gl, -5f, 2f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 1f, 0f);         //select modelview matrix         gl.glmatrixmode(gl10.gl_modelview);         //reset modelview matrix         gl.glloadidentity();     }      @override     public void ondrawframe(gl10 gl) {         //clear screen before drawing         gl.glclear(gl10.gl_color_buffer_bit | gl10.gl_depth_buffer_bit);          //plane.ry += 2f;         //plane.rz += 2f;          plane.x += meshmovespeed;         plane.z = planeposition;         if (plane.x > 3f)         {             meshmovespeed *= -1;         }         else if(plane.x < -3f)         {             meshmovespeed *= -1;         }          //reset current position held opengl, otherwise         //camera pushed farther , farther every frame         gl.glloadidentity();          //move camera backwards in order see face         gl.gltranslatef(0, 0f, -15f);          plane.draw(gl);     }      public void movemesh(float distance)     {         planeposition += distance * 0.05f;     } } 
