java - FileNotFoundException with 404 code when trying to reach html page -

i'm trying download links site:

when try download myself site it's work fine, when i'm trying download link code, it's saying filenotfoundexception - 404 status code.

here link for example:

i think each time requesting page it's giving different download links, still can not download code.

this code:

public void download() {     (int currtype = 1; currtype <= shufersalconstants.types.size(); currtype++) {         string link = base_url + cat_modifier + currtype + modifier_seperator + store_modifier + 0;          stringbuilder = httputils.sendgetrequest(link);          system.out.println(a.tostring());          fetchlinks(a.tostring());     } }  @override public arraylist<string> fetchlinks(string htmlpage) {     logger.log("fetching links html page");      // creating new list hold links .gz files     arraylist<string> links = new arraylist<string>();      // getting start position of first download link     int startlinkpos = htmlpage.indexof("");      // getting end position of first download link     int endlinkpos = htmlpage.indexof(" target=", startlinkpos);      // running on string until there no more download links      while (startlinkpos != -1) {          links.add(htmlpage.substring(startlinkpos, endlinkpos - 1));           httputils.getgzstream(htmlpage.substring(startlinkpos, endlinkpos - 1));       // returning list of links      return (links); } 

the httputils class doing regular request url.

this method in httputils class:

/**  * function gets gz file link function gets  * @param link link gz file  * @return gzstream use  */ public static gzipinputstream getgzstream(string link) {     httpurlconnection connection = null;       gzipinputstream gzstream = null;      try {         // create connection using link parameter         url url = new url(link);         connection = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection();          // response connection after sending request         inputstream = (inputstream) connection.getinputstream();          // creating gz stream base on inputstream         gzstream = new gzipinputstream(is);     } catch (exception e) {         logger.logerror("an error occured while trying gz stream");         e.printstacktrace();     }      // returning response     return (gzstream); } 

can me writing such thing? i'm stuck , need download files..

