iphone - Markdown to NSAttributedString library? -

now nsattributedstring supported in ios 6, there library take nsstring markdown, , convert nsattributedstring?

i've added nsstring nsattributedstring lightweight markup parser mgboxkit. it's not markdown it's similar. far supports bold, italics, underline, monospacing, text colour, background colour, , kerning.

the mgmushparser class standalone pod, can used independent of mgboxkit.

nsstring *markup = @"**bold**, //italics//, __underlining__, `monospacing`, , {#0000ff|text colour}";  uifont *basefont = [uifont fontwithname:@"helveticaneue" size:18]; uicolor *textcolor = uicolor.whitecolor;  mylabel.attributedstring = [mgmushparser attributedstringfrommush:markup                                font:basefont color:textcolor]; 
