so i'm trying input validation on asp form , if validation fails it's not supposed try , submit form show modal window (bootstrap) error , let user fix error/fill in blanks forgot.
but whenever press html button (or asp button i've tried both) shows modal window , postback right after. can see happens because have upload fields lose file references , have dynamically created dropdown resets.
i find way around after looking @ several answers havne't found solution.
using popular return false;
solution makes submit button stop working together.
my html:
<div class="row"> <script> function activityadd() { __dopostback('activity_add', 'postback'); }; </script> <asp:button cssclass="btn btn-success" style="font-size: 20px;" runat="server" onclientclick="activityadd();" text="submit"/> <a class="btn btn-danger" runat="server" href="~/index" style="font-size: 20px;">cancel</a> </div>
c# page_load:
protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) { scriptmanager.registerstartupscript(this, typeof(page), "createdepartmentdropdown", "$(document).ready(function(){createdepartmentdropdown(" + getdepartmentdropdownlist() + ");});", true); scriptmanager.registerstartupscript(this, typeof(page), "registerdatepickers", "$(document).ready(function(){registerdatepickers();});", true); //activity_add.attributes.add("onclick", "return false;"); // += activity_submit_click; if (request["__eventargument"] == "postback") { submitactivity(); } }
and submit method:
public bool submitactivity() { bool inputvalidated = true; list<string> errormessages = new list<string>(); int fye = int32.parse(fye_dropdown.value); string activityname = activity_name_field.value; string[] ax_accounts = (ax_account_numbers_field.value.contains(',') ? ax_account_numbers_field.value.split(',') : new string[1] { ax_account_numbers_field.value }); if (activityname.length == 0) { inputvalidated = false; errormessages.add("the activity name not filled."); } string activity_responsible = responsible_field.value; int department; if (department_dropdown_selected_value.value.length == 0) { department = 0; } else { department = int32.parse(department_dropdown_selected_value.value); } datetime start; datetime end; // since dates formatted americans rearrange day , month in code. // otherwise javascript checks 2 calendars break , can't parse datetime object. try { string[] date = datepicker_start.value.split('/'); string parsestring = date[1] + "/" + date[0] + "/" + date[2] + " 00:00:00 am"; start = datetime.parse(parsestring); } catch (exception) { inputvalidated = false; errormessages.add("the start date not formatted right. please click in box , choose date calendar."); } try { string[] date = datepicker_start.value.split('/'); string parsestring = date[1] + "/" + date[0] + "/" + date[2] + " 00:00:00 am"; end = datetime.parse(parsestring); } catch (exception) { inputvalidated = false; errormessages.add("the end date not formatted right. please click in box , choose date calendar."); } if (ax_accounts[0].length == 0) { inputvalidated = false; errormessages.add("you need add @ least 1 ax account activity."); } if (!description_upload.hasfile) { inputvalidated = false; errormessages.add("please choose file upload detailed description of activity"); } if (!estimation_upload.hasfile) { inputvalidated = false; errormessages.add("please choose file upload estimation of activity."); } if (inputvalidated == false) { stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); sb.append("an error happened while submitting activity. please see below details."); sb.append("<br>"); foreach (string msg in errormessages) { sb.append("- ").append(msg).append("<br>"); } string jsexec = util.modalalert(sb.tostring(), "#error_modal", ".modal-body"); scriptmanager.registerstartupscript(page, gettype(), "error_modal_show", jsexec, false); return false; } else { byte[] descriptionbytes = description_upload.filebytes; string descriptionfilename = description_upload.filename; byte[] estimationbytes = estimation_upload.filebytes; string estimationfilename = estimation_upload.filename; string msg = util.alert("success"); response.write(msg); return true; } }
but doesn't work expected either. fields mentioned earlier still reset. it's infuriating me no end because it's going frustrating experience user. idea on how approach problem?
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